Welcome to the bastion house of jabbering. I'll be your host; we'll be covering every and all subjects that may arise. I'm drinking a bottle of Blue Moon right now, Blue Moon is fair game. In fact, let's talk about Blue Moon right now. If you're unfamiliar, Blue Moon is a Belgian-style white wheat ale which is fairly popular. When served, it is customary for a wedge of orange or even tangerine to be put on the rim of the glass. For this reason, as well as a few nameable others, Blue Moon can be considered a "chick beer". I agree. Actually, I bought a case of it to appease my "chick".
Personally, I prefer darker brews. I like dark malts and lots of barley and the right amount of carbonation. Darker beers are deeper in flavor and add to a meal or experience where a lighter beer serves mostly two purposes: cleansing the pallet and getting you loose. I suppose that holds more truth with poor quality beverages than say, for example, this Blue Moon I'm drinking now. I like it. I introduced it to my woman because I liked it. It can be rather refreshing. It's very smooth, almost silky in texture (perhaps frothy). The aroma is fairly pungent where the flavor is quite delicate. Unlike the supposed "lighter beers" I made reference to earlier, Blue Moon does have a moderately complex flavor profile.
"Brewed with white wheat and oats, Blue Moon features a crisp wheat finish and the perfect combination of orange peel and coriander." (back of the bottle)

Wheaty? Oaty? Orange Peel? Coriander? Sure, sure, maybe, and it's hard to argue in a fermented beverage. Blue Moon is pretty tame, though I don't exactly hate it to any degree. It's of fair quality and enjoyable every now and again-- good for certain meals. I prefer their winter ale, Full Moon, because it is a bit darker and all around tastier.
And in full honesty, sometimes the odor of the beer makes me ill. Actually, it smells a little like semen. I guess that makes me, like, 5% gayer? Ah well, here's to Mt. Vernon. Cheers.
"I ain't no god damn son of a bitch". I'm not sure what you should expect next but I'll try to make it enjoyable. And I'll try to cut back on so many commas.

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